Wednesday, July 28, 2010


So this is my very first blog post. I have been thinking about it for a while, and have had friends tell me I should start one. Probably because I am so awesome...or so modest. Either way, I was reluctant because there are already about 732 billion blogs (rough estimate) on the blogosphere...ugh, gross. Furthermore, this blog is going to be about movies, or films if you prefer that more academic term, and of those 732 billion blogs roughly 1/3 are about said topic. I basically just figured no one would read it, even if it was good...which it will be. Anyway, I came to the conclusion that it would be good practice and would help me to stay sharp. I wouldn't want that Bachelor's in International Film and Media Studies to go to waste after all.
That brings me to my next point. I graduated in 2008, not the best time to graduate, unless of coarse you planned to live in your parents basement playing ping pong by yourself and yelling upstairs to mom to ask for a drink. In that case you were all set. Getting a degree in film studies is cool and all, I wouldn't have really been all that happy doing anything else, but at the time unless you wanted to to move to one of the coasts (I didn't) there wasn't a whole lot of opportunity. Additionally, my focus wasn't production, which kind of just sealed the deal. So after about 9 months I finally got a job in social services, which is cool because I have always wanted to help people anyway.
So yeah, I wanted to start this blog because I just really like writing about film. I don't know why it took so much convincing, but I am going to do it. Also, I had a cool name for it (which, if anyone knows why the blog is so entitled, comment, or just know that I give you props). Also, I thought of a pretty cool pseudonym (again if you know where it is from kudos). If you plan to read more posts, I hope you like parenthesis and run on sentences, because you are probably going to get a lot of them.
Thanks for reading, and keep watching.

1 comment:

  1. I love run-on sentences and parentheses. Of coarse I do!
